How LigoLang is doing. Great, according to our December 22 poll.

18 Jan 2023, 14:56
How LigoLang is doing? Great, according to our December 22 poll πŸ™Œ Thank you again for all your feedback, find key insights in the attached picture & in πŸ‘‡πŸ”πŸ˜‰ About Ligo: ✏️ 93% of the Respondents that answered the poll know Ligo ✏️ Of the 4 original syntaxes, CameLigo (58%) and JsLigo (50%) are the most used πŸš€ ✏️ The most chosen options to install Ligo are Docker (39%), Linux Static Binary (31%) and Hombrew (15%) ✏️ 1 user out of 2 is happy with #Ligo tests and 40% would like to learn about it Opinions: πŸ’¬ Devs enjoy developing #smartcontracts with Ligo (62%) and estimate that it is moving in the right direction (58%), 31% being neutral in both cases πŸ’¬ 50% of respondents don’t have an opinion about the complexity of #Ligo Could not participate and give your opinion? Never too late! Send us your feedback in DM and watch for our next poll as we plan to repeat the experiment to have more perspective πŸ”­ Feel free to push it on Twitter: